More Ideas to Elaborate on

Just a page as starting to bring all the stuff back from the past on Programming

PyAutoGui - Writting an autoclicker Program

Dataset Idea - NFT that has a vulnerability Dataset linked to it or other files

Egg Idea - An NFT that has certain amount of time or trades before it hatches and unable to trade it anymore. A game NFT persay

Audio Processing - For the Beatsaber AI I need audio processing which is where the deep learning comes in

Panography - Come out with a software that takes in videos and creates a 3d model. Already been done but with own can do some nasty stuff

CTF idea - Get CTF beginner concepts into a Git repository and use it to bypass solving the beginner problems

Etherum 2.0 Dirty - Comming up with an idea to learn how to create a pool and mining software to be able to create it more efficently and get more tokens. Mostly applicatable to other Cryptocurrancies as Ethereum is about to fork.

Map the area - Getting a mapping of apartment -> Get a video -> Mapping it out -> Transferring to a compatible format

Amp up Movies - Turning a 2D movie -> 3D Spectrometer Movies VR (Maybe selling the old ones once I get converted

WebRTC helper - Running a site off of torrent links or the dark web (How the gogoanime website works)

Healthier - Check torrents and find and host ones that are going out as seeders disappear

Natural Language Processing - Useful tool to have under belt because a lot of people want to use user reaction to learn.

Real person - Piece together a machine learning project where the input from peoples real phrases come back and sounds more realistic.

Automate the boring things - Zapier, integromat, and axiom help with automating things.

AWS services links -

LSTM using PyTourch -

Earth Engine datasets -

Python audio analysis -

3D building reconstruction -

Panoramic from images -

Last updated