phpfuck - Jail
i hate php
author: arxenix
Going to the website at the top it says // Flag is inside ./flag.php :). When you go to that page it says no flag for you, but I don't believe that, so I view the source code and the flag is in the comments.
Flag: uiuctf{pl3as3_n0_m0rE_pHpee}
baby_python - Jail
here's a warmup jail for you :) Python version is 3.8.10 and flag is at
Note: this chal is not actually broken, just thought it would be a funny joke
nc baby-python.chal.uiuc.tf 1337
author: tow_nater
Challange.py File
Looking at regex it is clear, all we can use is characters and everything that comes to mind is some sort of symbol. I left to go do some auctions to realize, an error can be redirected and that is when I got the solution.
Flag: uiuctf{just_kidding_about_the_chal_being_broken_lol_11a7b8}
back_to_basics - Crypto
Shoutout to those people who think that base64 is proper encryption
author: epistemologist
Looking at the code we are encoding and decoding and so I read in the file and try brute force to see if any keys would work.
It said 87 was the first character of key but it was still a long amount of text which meant the process would continue until you get the flag as the final string. The key is 16 characters... During the challenge, I just used a for loop and ran it 16 times to create my keyset. Note it did give 2 outputs sometimes, where it always was the first result.
After I modified the code to skip this and run 1 to find the answer.
Flag: uiuctf{r4DixAL}
Last updated