DawgCTF 2021
Helped Write with ABBY
Cooking the Books - Crypto [100 pts]
If it's from GCHQ why do they call it the Swiss Army Knife?? )%|&Ap*!dq$#h8h:!xhx)7_)b_x:5!Cq:;>I4(;`4x4b6Il Author: Trashcanna
Doing a quick google search to find out that GCHQ is referring to CyberChef. From that point, I was clueless about what to do. I remembered that this is low points so I used a cipher that was used on Mr. Robot. Also, ROT47 came up which when ROT13 failed I decided to try with ROT47.
After that, I tried All of the base32 and base64 as the new text contained a "=" at the end. This ended up worse so I knew more was to this problem. I looked at the Cryptogram Assistant for some help, but that turned up empty, but it had a list of ciphers. I decided to plug them into the Chef and see if I recognized anything. So now my recipe is
Rot47 -> From Cipher x -> From Cipher y -> From Base64
After some brute force attempts the final recipe is
Rot47 -> Bifid cipher decode [keyword: '"] -> Rail Fence Decode [key: 2, offset: 0] -> From Base64
Flag: DawgCTF{j0r$@n_b3lfort_coUlD_n3v3r}
Cookin the ramen - Crypto [50 pts]
Apparently we made cookin the books too hard, here's some ramen to boil as a warmup: .--- ...- ...- . ....- ...- ... ..--- .. .-. .-- --. -.-. .-- -.- -.-- -. -... ..--- ..-. -.-. ...- ...-- ..- --. .--- ... ..- .. --.. -.-. .... -- ...- -.- . ..- -- - . -. ...- -. ..-. --- -.-- --.. - .-.. .--- --.. --. --. ...-- ... -.-. -.- ..... .--- ..- --- -. -.- -..- -.- --.. -.- ...- ..- .-- - -.. .--- -... .... ..-. --. --.. -.- -..- .. --.. .-- ...- ... -- ...-- --.- --. ..-. ... .-- --- .--. .--- .....
First, we know this is Morse code so we go to the great site called CyberChef. From their we decoded the data from morse and got JVVE4VS2IRWGCWKYNB2FCV3UGJSUIZCHMVKEUMTENVNFOYZTLJZGG3SCK5JUONKXKZKVUWTDJBHFGZKXIZWVSM3QGFSWOPJ5
it looks like a lot of gibberish so putting it through magic and knowing that the phrase "DawgCTF" is in the result.
The final algorithm is
From Morse Code -> From Base32 -> From Base64 -> From Base58
Flag: DawgCTF{0k@y_r3al_b@by's_f1r5t}
Two truths and 1 fib - Misc [100 pts]
Can you catch the fibber?
nc umbccd.io 6000
Author: Trashcanna
The process to this one was simple. I reused some code for the past connections to the server and ran it on loop as it didn't just give 1 problem and the flag. One note when writing this code I did not waste my time doing a recursion because of how big the numbers are to start with.
Flag: DawgCTF{jU$T_l1k3_w3lc0me_w33k}
Last updated
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