RedPwnCTF 2021
Sanity-check [1pt]
I get to write the sanity check challenge! Alright!
Flag: flag{1_l0v3_54n17y_ch3ck_ch4ll5}
Discord [1 pt]
Join the discord! I hear
is an incredibly engaging read.
Flag: flag{chall3n63_au7h0r5h1p_1nfl4710n}
Compliant-lattice-feline [102 pts]
get a flag!
nc 31443
Flag: flag{n3tc4t_1s_a_pip3_t0_the_w0rld}
The-substitution-game [145 pts] [Not Solved]
author: BrownieInMotion
So I was unable to get past level 4 but so far this was my solution
Inspect me [101 pts]
See if you can find the flag in the source code!
View page source code and the flag is in the comments
Flag: flag{inspect_me_like_123}
Orm-bad [102 pts]
I just learned about orms today! They seem kinda difficult to implement though... Guess I'll stick to good old raw sql statements!
admin / ' OR 1=1 - -
Flag: flag{sqli_overused_again_0b4f6}
Scissors [102 pts]
I was given this string and told something about scissors.
Given some code and I just plug it in and run it. At this point, I see two paths. One I program a hardcode for all possibilities. The second option, keep running the program until it works. I decided on the second one because I got lucky the third time I ran it. I included the code I wrote when the contest was over
Flag: flag{surround_this_flag_with_flag_format}
Baby [102 pts]
I want to do an RSA!
Yes finally, an RSA puzzle, and I learned how to do it.
So I notice we are missing P and Q so I used the RSActfTool to find those with N and e. Well that was a bust and so I moved onto mesieve
./msieve -q 228430203128652625114739053365339856393
This worked and all I had to do after that was plug the numbers into the code and bam.
Flag: flag{68ab82df34}
Round the Bases [107 pts]
Description author: AdnanSlef My flag has been all around the bases. Can you help me get it back?
I know this one was going to use a lot of different base conversions, hence the name so I just launched up CyberChef and got to work. I tried some magic but that had no effect so I just brute forced and tried combinations of base conversions.
Out of all the base__ conversions, base85 gave a magic symbol afterward... I think we are onto something. I just clicked through that and the algorithm created itself.
From Base85 -> From Hex -> From Decimal -> From Octal -> From Binary
Flag: flag{w0w_th4t_w4s_4ll_wr4pp3d_up}
wstrings [102 pts]
Some strings are wider than normal...
Opened up the program and in Ghidra and analyzed it. Then I went over to the symbol tree and found an entry "Flag"
Flag: flag{n0t_al1_str1ngs_ar3_sk1nny}
Bread-making [108 pts]
Description author: KyleForkBomb
My parents aren't home! Quick, help me make some bread please...
So I started with strings bread
and that gave me a whole lot, which I exported to a file out.txt
and removed the useless information. I then thought that we are trying to find input and some phrases are for sure a response so I removed those as well. Given the last little amount, I was confident it would just take a little bit of time to find the right order. I decided to do some brute force with my code looking something like this after a small start
Once I found everything I created a final Full send
Flag: flag{m4yb3_try_f0ccac1a_n3xt_t1m3???0r_dont_b4k3_br3ad_at_m1dnight}
Beginner-generic-pwn-number-0 [105 pts]
Description author: pepsipu
rob keeps making me write beginner pwn! i'll show him...
So I know this was a buffer overflow because entering a lot of "A" created a segmentation fault.
Flag: flag{im-feeling-a-lot-better-but-rob-still-doesnt-pay-me}
Extra URL
I found an interesting writeup that I should look further into
Last updated
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