Game Destroyer


So, I like to play some mindless games sometimes, and I don't know if it is to feel productive or to just play games to waste time. But maybe I could create a program to go through the tutorial and beat the game. Of course, it would record everything and how to do it but would create the fastest ability to do that and maybe some machine learning. The more games it plays the more strategies it picks up.


It would be starting out as a test project and pushing to see how many simple games it can beat. Then I would move on to learning how to beat games faster and ultimately getting a way to test if the tutorials are sufficient enough for someone to learn and posting a result of what is broken in the game through automated testing. Well, more like an overlay running on a computer of the testing with a report but really the same thing.

Information to consider

There is a software that is openAI that can help with this - Cost money though

Last updated